2025 Information for Volunteers

Thank you for volunteering to help at the Manitoba Robot Games.
Our 26th Games, and proud of the number of students that have passed through and been bitten by the engineering bug as a result.

Register here to Volunteer

We would encourage you to plan on being at the Training evening Wednesday, May 14th, starting at 7:00.p.m. at the Field House (map link below) as we forever make changes to the way we organize and operate the Games and we would like to have you all well armed and prepared to assist in getting this implemented. We will still allow the use of Lithium and Lithium Polymer batteries. These batteries can pose a significant risk and so we all need to be prepared to act if needs be.

If you have volunteered to help with setup on Friday, May 16th please be at the Field House at 5:00p.m. We expect to be done by 6:30 p.m.

**It would be most helpful if those working Setup could also work Take Down on Saturday and act as leaders in this process as you will have some idea where things go.

Also the registration process is still being tweaked and we hope that well informed volunteers can ensure fewer snarl-ups first thing in the morning.

Your help in making it a great day for the students is very much appreciated and we want you to feel knowledgeable and able to feel comfortable in your roles.

The event and training evening will, again, be held at the Aubrey Jones Field house, Tec Voc School 1555 Wall st. (See Map)