Quick reference | Quick answer |
Code: | PSA |
Control: | Autonomous |
Open to: | University (see table below) |
Max Robot Size: | 1 meter perimeter |
Weight Limit: | 3 kilograms |
Playing field: | 1.52 meters (see details below) |

Competition Procedure
The object is for two robots to try to push each other out of the ring.
Preface: The Manitoba Robot Games (MRG) has opted not to follow the official FSI All Japan Robot Sumo Tournament (FSI-AJRST) rules. This has been done in order to tailor competitions to available components and facilitate greater competitor participation.
Prairie Sumo Autonomous Chart
For robot size, weight, ring diameter and competitor eligibility [Top Grade Limit], consult the following table:
Type | Class | Group | Max Size | Max Weight | Grade Limit | Ring Diam. |
Prairie Sumo | Tethered | PST | 1m Perimeter | 3 KG | Gr 12 | 1.52 m |
Prairie Sumo | Autonomous | PSA | 1m Perimeter | 3 KG | University | 1.52 m |

Match Definition:
A match shall be a competition between two robots. Each robot must have a
designated driver (and an alternate driver if the designated driver is entered into other competitions). The driver may not be changed within a match unless they are injured or become ill and cannot physically continue. Each robot attempts to push its opponent beyond the perimeter of the defined Sumo Ring (playing field).
Playing Field:
The diameter of the playing field is as specified in the above table. The border
consists of a 5 cm white border at the edge and within the diameter of the playing field.
The interior of the playing field is black in colour. The surface of the playing field is made of laminate and sits approximately 7 cm above ground level.
Robot Specifications:
The robot must be able to be constrained (surrounded) by a flexible sheath 1
meter in length. There are no restrictions on height.
The maximum weight including accessories must be less than or equal to that
specified in the above table as weighed on the scale provided by the MRG for
registration for the competition. (It is highly recommended that a method be
incorporated into the robot design to adjust the weight if the intention of the team is to attain the maximum weight at registration).
Any robot found losing its body parts will also lose the match except for a screw or nut (of no larger than 1cm3).
A design to stretch a robot’s body, its parts, or opening up after the start of the round shall be allowed.
Autonomous robots must contain all motivational intelligence within its structure.
No cues or instructions may be provided from outside the playing field once the round starts.
Robots may be turned on or initialized by hand at the beginning of the match,
then after a minimum of a five second delay the robot may take control of its own movement.
Should movement occur within the five second delay period, the robot will lose the match.
Power – No Fuel Cells allowed.
If using Lithium based battery pack, the robot is to be fitted with a removable
fuse. (See the general rules section on lithium batteries for more information.)
The robot shall not contain any electronic jamming devices to disturb your
opponent’s infra-red or ultra-sonic sensors.
The robot shall not contain parts that could break or damage the Playing field.
Metal attack surfaces are strictly forbidden. “Attack surfaces” are the surfaces that are designed to contact the opponents robot with the intention to lift or reduce its traction, and especially if the surface is to scrape along the surface of the playing field.
The robot shall not contain devices that can store solids, liquids, powder, or air and disperse it at your opponent.
The robot shall not contain any inflaming devices.
The robot shall not contain any sucking devices or glue to stick the robot down onto the Playing field.
Robot Identification:
The MRG identification sticker(s) (as supplied while registering in the contest)
must be placed on the robot so as to be easily readable on the robot’s body while the robot is in competition.
Game Principles:
Each match consists of up to three rounds with a total time of three minutes.
Each round starts at the judge’s command and continues until one robot pushes the opposing robot from the playing field or time expires.
The first team to win two rounds within the time limit is awarded the match.
When neither team can push the other off the playing field the winner will be
decided by the judges based on displayed strategy or aggressiveness. However, if no obvious superiority exists and a winner cannot be determined, an extra one minute round may be played.
The judges will decide when a round is won
Game Procedure
Beginning of the Game
At the judge’s instruction, the robots are placed in the playing field 20 cm apart and an equal distance from the centre of the playing field .The robots are set down parallel to each other and facing opposite directions so that autonomous robots must actively search for their opponent and not merely “steam roll” straight forward.
The team that places their robot in the Playing field first shall select the direction their robot is to face and the second robot placed within the playing field will be required to be placed facing the opposite direction.
When both contestants are ready, the judge will signal the start of the three
minute match at which time the robots may be activated. No movement must
occur before the official start (i.e. no posturing). There must be a five second
delay from the start signal until any motion of the robot occurs.
A team may halt the start, just once, no later than 10 seconds upon the start of one round without penalty. This allows for last moment emergencies (such as a competitor forgetting to plug in a battery). The start can be delayed no longer than 60 seconds.
End of the Game
The match ends when the judge announces the match is over.
The round stops and resumes when a judge announces so. The round may also be cancelled and a rematch called for by the judges when:
- Both robots are in a clinch and stop movements for 5 seconds, or move in the same orbit for 5 seconds with no progress being made.
- Both robots move without making progress in locating the competing robot, or stop (at the exact same time) and stay stopped for 5 seconds without touching each other. If one robot stops its movement first, after 5 seconds it shall be considered not having the will to compete
- If both robots appear to touch the outside of the playing field at approximately the same time, and a judge cannot determine which robot touched first, a rematch may be called.
A successful round:
Your robot may be awarded a round when:
- You have legally forced the body of your opponent’s robot to touch the space outside the Playing field. A robot whose body, wheel, or other support hangs over the edge is not considered outside the Playing field until it physically tips or touches the surface beyond the Playing field perimeter.
- Your opponent’s robot has tipped or touched the space outside the Playing
field, on its own. - Either of the above takes place at the same time that the End of the Match is announced.
- Your opponent’s robot is disqualified or has had more than one violation or
warning. - Your opponent’s robot becomes disabled (flipped on its back or side, for
instance) and is unable to move in the Playing field.
When the judges’ decision is called for to decide the winner, the following points will be taken into considerations:
- Technical merits in movement and operation of a robot.
- Attitude of the players during the match.
- Which robot exhibited the best effort.
Contests WILL start within a reasonable time, once announced.
A contestant who takes any of the following actions will receive a warning…
- In the event a contestant fails to respond to the announced start time.
- The contestant(s) enters into the playing field during the match, except when the team does so to bring the robot out of the playing field upon the judge’s announcement of a point or after the round/match is stopped. To enter into the playing field means a part of a team member’s body is on or directly above the playing field.
- Halts the start of a round more than the one time allowed.
- A robot moves before the judges start signal.
When a contestant receives two warnings, that contestant’s opponent will be awarded the match.
MRG General Rules:
Failure to follow the MRG General Rules may result in the following:
- Warning being issued, or
- Disqualification and loss of the round, or
- Disqualification from competition and or event.
For full rules, please visit the MRG General Rules page.