Fire Evacuation Procedures

Emergency Evacuation

  1. In the event of a fire:
    • Activate the fire alarm system by pulling the pull station.
    • Evacuate the school/building via the closest safe exit.
    • Call 911.
  2. When the fire alarm sounds:
    • Phone 911.
    • Give the operator your name and address of the school / building.
    • Clear all areas within the facility and check areas, if possible, assigning staff to check their nearest area(s).
    • If smoke is present, persons should crouch low to the floor when leaving the building.
    • If smoke is encountered in a corridor or stairwell, consider using an alternate escape route.
    • Close doors and turn off lights after clearing each area.
    • Evacuate all persons via the nearest safe exit according to maps located inside each area.
    • Move people away from front entrance to allow emergency crew access.
    • Meet at the designated area outside the school / building and provide any information to emergency crews (information regarding fire location, status of building occupancy, any persons in need of help and any other problems encountered, areas that have not been checked, etc.).
    • When the Fire Paramedic Service arrives, they are in charge of the site.
    • After the Emergency Service has taken charge, phone and inform any persons required including the school / building custodian if they don’t know of the emergency already.
    • After being authorized by the Fire paramedic Incident Commander, a signal for building re-entry will be three short rings of the fire alarm system bells.
    • In the event of a lengthy evacuation and inclement weather conditions, the decision to seek shelter and/or request buses is made in consultation with the Emergency Service.
  3. All occupants:
    • In the event of a fire alarm, evacuate the school/building immediately.
    • Know where the fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguishers, and emergency exits are located.
    • Do not block or impede access to emergency exits, the pull stations, and/or fire safety equipment in the facility or on the property.
    • Become familiar with the posted evacuation routes.
    • Know the school’s / building’s address.
    • Cooperate with school staff, the Fire Paramedic Service, and other emergency personnel.
  4. Persons with disabilities:
    • A designated person is to assist persons with disabilities. This may mean staying with them or having them stay by a safe barrier free emergency exit.
    • If the individual(s) stays with the person, they must instruct someone to tell the Fire Paramedic Service Incident Commander where they will be staying.
  5. When a Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarm sounds:
    • Evacuate the school / building immediately.
    • Call 911 and inform them there is a CO alarm in the school / building.