MRG Pre-Registration

This document is a draft and is subject to change.

Pre-registration for the 2025 Games opens on February 1, 2025

Click here for a sample schedule (This was the almost final 2023 schedule which should give you an idea of the times.)

IMPORTANT * We ask that you Pre-Register online between Feb 1st, and 5:00 pm. May 1st, after which registration cost will increase. Registration payment is not required until Games Day.  We will post an abbreviated list of entrants on the web site under “Competitions”, but look for an important email from us after May 1st which will list your entries. Please read them carefully and confirm this entry no later than 5:00pm Thursday May 8th. following this, you will receive an email which you will need to print out and show to the registration desk at the games to ensure you pay per robot according to your Pre-Registration date. And of course, ensure that you have a place in the competition.

Be sure to Pre-Register by 5:00 pm Thursday May 1st. We shall be setting the maximum entrants allowed at that time!

After 5:00pm Thursday May 1st, the registration fee will be increase and spaces in some competitions may be closed due to scheduling conflicts. Acceptance of any robots attempting to register after this time will be subject to availability within the schedule.

These changes are being done to help make registration faster and more accurate. Your help with this is appreciated.


This is the pre-registration form for the Manitoba Robot Games. If you don't know the answer to every question here, give your best guess!

  • Maximum 22 characters. Must be easily pronounced by the announcer. No vulgarity please!
  • We are taking pre-registrations for some competitions at this time. If you are not sure which competition is right for you, a quick guide is here
  • Be sure your robot qualifies for the competition you select as there may not be space in an alternative competition on the day of the Games. As per the rules, we require a minimum of 4 competitors to run this competition. We will slot you in another competition if possible.
  • Note: If, as the builder/Driver, you are entered in another competition then you must register an alternate driver that is available to present your robot for competition and enter in place of you if there is a time constraint.
  • e.g. Westover High School , Home School, Riverbend Robot Club, etc.
  • Please provide Contact Information here:
  • Note * This and the following fields are required so we can send to you your registration information a couple of days before the competition.
  • Preferably the Coach's email
  • We use t-shirts that follow standard unisex Gildan sizing. You can find examples of the sizing chart on the internet, for example:
  • We need this to send Certificates, Lost & Found, etc.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.