Category: Announcements
Ian Elwood-Oates, R.I.P
With great sadness the Manitoba Robots Games records the passing of one of our longest-serving executive members, Ian Elwood-Oates. Ian was more than just another face around the table. He was friend, mentor, coach, inventor, mover, shaker and was such a presence at the games and at other MRG events. He will be very sadly…
A great big Thank You the our sponsors!
We couldn’t put on the Manitoba Robot Games without the generous support of our wonderful sponsors.
We’re ramping it up for the 25th Manitoba Robot Games – Again!
Mark your calendars for March 18th, 2023. * It is hard to believe we have been putting on the Robot Games for 25 years and the “we” I speak of are all volunteers so be kind to us ! * I have uploaded all of the 2023 rules so it is just the SSL &…